Coupang Play’s highly anticipated drama has unveiled a captivating new set of photos featuring Jisoo, showcasing her transformation into the dynamic character Yeong Joo. The “Newtopia” stills feature the BLACKPINK member as a young woman searching her beloved amidst a zombie outbreak.
‘Newtopia’ Stills Offer Intriguing Glimpse at Jisoo’s Character
The series follows the gripping story of Jae Yoon (Park Jung Min), a soldier stationed in Seoul, and his girlfriend Yeong Joo, as they struggle to reunite amidst a zombie outbreak that has thrown the city into chaos.
Jisoo’s Yeong Joo is introduced as a radiant college student and the “goddess” of her university’s engineering department. One still captures her cheerful and confident demeanor, surrounded by admiring male classmates, one of whom kneels with a flower in hand, symbolizing her popularity and charm.
However, the tone also shifts dramatically in other stills, revealing Yeong Joo in a drastically different light—terrified yet determined. With a golf club clenched in her hands, she exudes a fierce resilience, embodying her unwavering drive to find her boyfriend, Jae Yoon, despite the relentless threat of zombies.
A Truly Exciting New Project for Jisoo
Jisoo expressed her excitement for the role, commenting, “Yeong Joo’s charm captivated me from the start. I worked hard to portray her authentically and hope audiences enjoy witnessing her growth throughout the series.” Her dedication to the role is evident, with Director Yoon Sung Hyun praising her performance, saying, “Jisoo perfectly captured Yeong Joo’s quirky and humorous traits, bringing the character to life in ways I hadn’t imagined.”
The blend of romance, horror, and Jisoo’s compelling performance has also heightened anticipation for “Newtopia,” set to premiere on February 7 at 8 p.m. KST. Fans also eagerly await this emotionally charged and action-packed drama that promises to deliver a unique zombie thriller with heart.