
fromis_9 Baek Ji Heon Extends Hiatus Due To Health

fromis_9’s Baek Ji Heon will be extending her temporary hiatus from activities to focus on her health and recovery. This decision comes following medical advice and underscores the importance of prioritizing well-being over professional commitments.

PLEDIS Entertainment Extends fromis_9 Member Baek Ji Heon’s Hiatus

On May 21, PLEDIS Entertainment released an official statement explaining that Baek Ji Heon had been experiencing severe abdominal pain, prompting an urgent visit to the hospital. The medical evaluation led to the doctor’s recommendation that she take a period of rest to recuperate properly. Consequently, the agency announced that Baek Ji Heon would be absent from fromis_9’s scheduled performance that day, emphasizing the need for her to prioritize her health.

Two days later, on May 23, PLEDIS Entertainment provided an update on Baek Ji Heon’s condition and extended her break from group activities. The agency informed fans that, in addition to the initial performance, Baek Ji Heon would be missing from fromis_9’s engagements for the following two days. This continued hiatus is intended to give her the necessary time to rest and recover fully without the pressures of immediate return to the stage.

What’s Happening to Baek Ji Heon?

Baek Ji Heon’s health concerns have understandably worried fans, who have expressed their support and well-wishes for her speedy recovery. PLEDIS Entertainment reassured fans that they are closely monitoring her condition and are committed to ensuring she receives the best care possible. The agency’s decision reflects a growing awareness within the entertainment industry about the physical and mental demands placed on idols and the importance of providing adequate rest and medical attention when needed.

The temporary absence of Baek Ji Heon is a reminder of the rigorous schedules and pressures faced by K-pop idols. fromis_9 has a dedicated fanbase, and while her health is the immediate priority, her fans eagerly await her return to the stage once she has fully recovered.

In the meantime, fromis_9 will continue their activities with the support of their loyal fans. The group and PLEDIS Entertainment have expressed gratitude for the understanding and patience shown by fans during this period. As the idol focuses on her health, the collective hope is that she will come back stronger and healthier, ready to rejoin her group and continue her successful career.

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