
G-Dragon Gives Exclusive Interview to Yonhap News TV’s ‘NewsPrime’

BIGBANG rapper G-Dragon recently broke his silence in an exclusive interview with Yonhap News TV’s NewsPrime, addressing the drug charges against him. This interview marks his first public appearance since being embroiled in the controversy.

He denied all the allegations, stating, “I had a lot of concerns about deciding to do the interview myself, but I decided to gather my courage to show the public my innocence and deliver the truth. I have never used drugs, nor have I ever given or received drugs from anyone, so if any substances were detected in my body, it would be impossible.”

EXCLUSIVE: GD’s interview on drug allegations

G-Dragon addressed criticisms about his behavior during police questioning, explaining his nervousness and inexperience in such situations. He stated, “On the day of the investigation, my lack of experience and nervousness as a human might have influenced my behavior, but it’s not what it seems and differs from my intentions.” He also expressed concern that malicious articles labeling his behavior as “mannerless” could affect the officers involved.

Furthermore, G-Dragon responded to bizarre allegations of tampering with evidence by shaving his body hair. His lawyer previously denounced these claims, calling them “defamatory” and “inaccurate.” “After last year’s activities, I didn’t bleach or dye my hair for over a year. I voluntarily submitted my hair, fingernails, and toenails for examination to prove my innocence, even though the police had neither a warrant for communication nor a body search warrant,” G-Dragon said.

G-Dragon made waves with his fashion choices

On a lighter note, G-Dragon made waves with his fashion choices too, demonstrating his status as a K-pop icon. His recent trip to a police station became a showcase of his ability to set trends. The Jacques Marie Mage limited edition glasses he wore cost around 1,000 USD and sold out soon after.

G-Dragon‘s influence extends beyond just accessories. The 172,000 USD BMW ‘i7 xDrive 60’ car he drove that day was eventually sold out. Also, the LHAS suit he wore to the police station became a highly sought-after item. The brand’s owner took to Instagram to acknowledge the significant impact of his endorsement.

The Chanel cardigan and oror glasses he wore during his Yonhap News interview went viral too. The cardigan, in particular, received high praise from netizens, and oror opened pre-orders for the due to high demand. The glasses, named British 1930’s Noir by oror, were even featured on the brand’s official Instagram, highlighting their popularity. 

All this proves G-Dragon‘s ability to set trends and influence consumer behavior. It remains to be seen whether his innocence will be proven as well. – K-Pop News Writer

Featured Image: G-Dragon’s Yonhap News interview went on for over ten solid hours. He clearly had to get a lot of things off his chest. Source: YouTube/@yonhapnewstv23.

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