

Zion.T has officially parted ways with THEBLACKLABEL. The R&B singer has chosen not to renew his contract with the YG Entertainment subsidiary.

Zion.T Parts Ways With THEBLACKLABEL After More Than 8 Years

On July 1, it was reported that Zion.T’s exclusive contract with THEBLACKLABEL had expired, and both parties decided not to renew it. They will go their separate ways while continuing to support each other.

A source from THEBLACKLABEL confirmed the news, stating, “It is true that our exclusive contract with Zion.T has ended.” This marks the end of a significant chapter in Zion.T’s career, which saw him grow and explore new artistic avenues under THEBLACKLABEL’s management.

Kim Haesol first joined THEBLACKLABEL in April 2016 after parting ways with Amoeba Culture. His move to THEBLACKLABEL marked a new beginning for the artist, allowing him to experiment with different musical styles and collaborate with other prominent artists under the same label. His time at THEBLACKLABEL was marked by several successful releases and projects that solidified his reputation as one of the most innovative and influential figures in the Korean music industry.

In 2022, Kim took another bold step by establishing his own creative company STANDARD FRIENDS while still remaining an artist under THEBLACKLABEL. STANDARD FRIENDS allowed Zion.T to further express his creativity and vision, contributing to the broader cultural landscape while maintaining his distinct musical identity.

A Fresh Start

As Zion.T embarks on this new journey, fans and industry insiders alike are eager to see what he will accomplish next. His departure from THEBLACKLABEL also opens up new possibilities for collaborations, projects, and perhaps even a new musical direction. Zion.T has always been known for his unique style and ability to push boundaries, and this new phase in his career is expected to be no different.

The mutual support between Zion.T and THEBLACKLABEL as they part ways reflects the positive relationship they have built over the years. Both parties have also expressed their well wishes for each other’s future endeavors. Fans of Zion.T can also look forward to more innovative and captivating music from the artist as he continues to evolve and explore new horizons.

Wishing all the best to Zion.T on his fresh new start!

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