BTS’s Jin is no stranger to making waves, but his recent acts of strength and kindness during his military service are earning him the nickname “Superman.” Serving in the 5th Infantry Division in Yeoncheon County, Jin was promoted to corporal in July, a notable two months ahead of the usual schedule, showcasing his capability and dedication.

An anonymous source has been sharing tales of Jin‘s military life on social media. Her boyfriend’s senior, another member of the 5th Infantry Division, was struck by Jin’s kindness and generosity. “He said that Kim Seokjin’s face was the size of a fist but hundreds of times more handsome than what you see on the screen. He also emphasized that his back muscles were incredibly well-defined. During the completion ceremony, he bought a box of snail cream for each of the trainees’ parents to give away, and during the training period, he bought snacks for everyone three times, which is considered a lot. He was described as very kind, never getting angry or scolding anyone.”


You deserved it Mr.WorldWideHandsome, We are so proud of you💜 #jinmilitary #jinmilitaryservice #jinbts #jinbts💜army #worldwidehandsomejin #wwhjin #wwh #army #armybts

♬ Boy With Luv – BTS

What Jin did during training

Jin‘s physical prowess is as impressive as his character. The “Superman” moniker comes from an exceptional feat he performed during a ruck march. In the context of the South Korean military, ruck marches are a critical component of the rigorous training soldiers undergo. These grueling exercises are designed to bolster the physical stamina and mental fortitude that soldiers need to face challenging situations. Typically, a soldier is expected to carry a rucksack loaded with 20 to 30 kilograms of vital equipment. This includes weaponry, ammunition, food, and sometimes additional mission-specific gear.

The terrain in South Korea can be quite challenging, with many mountainous areas. The ruck marches often take place in these tough conditions to simulate real combat scenarios. The distances covered can vary, but they are often substantial, with 20 kilometers being a common length for a march. These exercises are not just about individual capability; they also foster teamwork and camaraderie as soldiers learn to support each other and work together under strain.

The same woman recounted, “I heard that the military gear weighs well over 10 kilograms and is very heavy, but when three trainees were excused, Kim Seokjin carried all three of their gear to the destination, shouldering two on one side. I was moved to tears when I heard all this from my boyfriend over the phone, realizing that Kim Seokjin is genuinely a great person.”


Dont mess with my man 😠#fyp #bts #jin

♬ masquerade x mtr – jovynn

A true ‘Superman’

If the story is accurate, it would be an exceptional display of physical strength and endurance. Such a scenario would be a significant departure from standard military training procedures. In typical training exercises, redistributing a fallen soldier’s gear among the squad maintains the unit’s ability to continue the mission. However, for one person to take on the weight of three full sets of gear would be extraordinary. If each set weighed 20 to 30 kilograms, that would mean Jin carried an additional 60 to 90 kilograms. That’s a considerable amount of weight to bear, especially over a distance of 20 kilometers.

The story, as it stands, is a testament to Jin‘s character. It shows his willingness to go above and beyond to aid fellow soldiers. What he did is a reflection of the values instilled by military training and the spirit of perseverance that defines a true “Superman.” – K-Pop News Writer

Featured Image: These cute photos Jin posted two years ago kind of foreshadowed his new nickname, don’t you think? Source: X/@JinBase_.