DAWN’s Instagram feed has drastically reduced in size, with a total of 1,080 posts deleted. It’s a drastic change that netizens believe might be connected to his ex-girlfriend HyunA’s latest announcement.

DAWN Clears Out Instagram Feed Including HyunA’s Photos

DAWN’s Instagram feed had previously displayed 1,095 posts. However, after several posts were deleted, it now shows only 15, all related to his solo work.

DAWN has not publicly explained the reason behind this sudden change, but K-Pop fans speculate it could be connected to the recent news of HyunA’s upcoming wedding with Yong Junhyung.

In the past, DAWN mentioned that he and HyunA had agreed to keep their couple photos on their social media platforms even after a breakup. They both tried to honor this promise initially. However, it appears that DAWN has reconsidered and decided to clear his Instagram of those memories.

HyunA, on the other hand, has kept some pictures featuring DAWN public, though she admitted to deleting a few for the aesthetic of her feed. During an episode of Jeon Somi’s talk show, HyunA revealed that she had informed DAWN that he should do as he wished with his feed, giving him the freedom to manage his social media as he saw fit.

This significant change in DAWN’s Instagram activity has sparked discussions among fans and followers. Many are interpreting this move as a way for DAWN to start fresh and focus on his career and future endeavors. The timing of this action, coinciding with the news of HyunA’s wedding, adds another layer to the narrative, suggesting that DAWN might be seeking closure or a new chapter in his personal and professional life.

Regardless of the reason, DAWN’s decision has resonated with many, highlighting the complexities of moving on from past relationships, especially in the public eye. Fans continue to support both DAWN and HyunA in their respective journeys, expressing hope for their continued success and happiness.