In a recent episode of SBS’s “Unanswered Questions,” the tragic details surrounding Goo Hara’s last days and the mysterious theft of her personal safe were explored. Goo Hara, a popular K-Pop star, ended her life on November 24, 2019. Just before her death, she posted a chilling message on a secret account, “I’m scared,” which resurfaced during the investigation.

Mystery surrounding Goo Hara’s death

On November 23, 2019, Goo Hara briefly returned to Korea from Japan, where she was promoting her new album. She posted a simple “Good night” on her official social media account. Hours later, on a private account known only to close friends, she expressed her fear. Friends left supportive comments, but the next day, news of her death broke.

At the scene, no suicide note was found, only a simple note. Goo Hara’s brother, Goo Ho-in, mentioned that a housekeeper who had worked with her for a long time said Hara had written a will “just in case.” The day before her death, she had called a close acquaintance, Ms. Hwang, suggesting they have dinner. Ms. Hwang, involved in the “Burning Sun” scandal, felt a deep sense of responsibility for not meeting Hara that night.

Ms. Hwang shared, “Hara actually called me that day. She suggested we have dinner together, but I was having a beer with a friend, and since my friend is not a celebrity, I thought this might be uncomfortable for Hara. So I said, ‘Let’s meet on my birthday,’ and hung up. The next morning I heard the tragic news.”

Goo Hara’s safe thief

Following her death, someone broke into Goo Hara’s residence in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, and stole a personal safe containing her cell phone. The theft led to speculation that it might be linked to the “Burning Sun” scandal, where Goo Hara had played a crucial role in exposing details to the public.

“Unanswered Questions” revealed an identikit of the suspect seen in surveillance footage during the theft. Experts described the thief as having a thin face with a prominent nose, a long chin, and slightly high cheekbones. The suspect, estimated to be around 170 cm tall, wore an earring in his left ear and glasses.

Former investigator Jung Chang-gil, known as the “Framework Specialist,” provided insights into the suspect’s appearance and build. The suspect’s unique physical characteristics are hoped to lead to his identification and capture.

Goo Hara’s tragic story continues to resonate deeply within the K-Pop community and beyond, as fans and loved ones seek justice and closure.