An illustrator has publicly accused HYBE of using her artwork as a reference for their new virtual idol group SYNDI8 without proper permission. The artist revealed that although the company initially contacted her for the project, they had since cut communication with her.

Illustrator Claims SYNDI8 References Her Artwork

According to the illustrator, an official from HYBE initially reached out via social media to discuss a potential collaboration for the group’s artwork. However, the communication abruptly ceased, leaving the collaboration unresolved.

The illustrator only became aware of the similarities between her work and the artwork for HYBE’s SYNDI8 when her fans began inquiring if she had collaborated with the label. Noticing the striking resemblances, she realized her work had likely been used without her consent.

Taking to her Instagram page, the artist shared her grievances, posting a capture of the direct message she received from the HYBE official. In her post, she detailed how the discussion had started with potential collaboration plans but ended abruptly without any explanation. She expressed her disappointment and frustration, highlighting the striking similarities between her original work and the SYNDI8 artwork, which fans had brought to her attention.

“This year, I received an inquiry from a subsidiary of H Corporation regarding designs for a virtual girl group. When I provided a detailed quote and additional information, the designer cut off all communication without any response, which I found very unpleasant.”

“Today, HYBE announced their new virtual group, and many people around me assumed I had worked on it, sending me images. It felt strange. If you look at the third image, the original unique sketch style they had shown me is completely gone, and the art style has changed entirely. But my fans thought I collaborated on this project.”

“They showed me their concept but never commissioned me. The final result is completely different from the original sketches and strangely similar to my style. This must be a coincidence, right? Did they work hard to trace and use the eyedropper tool, or did they heavily reference my work?”

The artist’s accusations have sparked a conversation about the importance of respecting intellectual property and the ethical considerations of using an artist’s work without permission. Fans and fellow artists have shown their support for the illustrator, calling for transparency and accountability from HYBE. The incident underscores the need for proper communication and consent in artistic collaborations, especially in an industry as influential as K-pop.

For now, HYBE has not yet responded to the illustrator’s accusations about referencing her artwork for SYNDI8. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.