Joshua, a member of the PLEDIS Entertainment K-pop group SEVENTEEN, recently made headlines for a heartwarming act of filial piety. Joshua bought his mother a house, which says a lot about how much he appreciates and loves her. He made this story public on a recent episode of Yoo Jae Suk‘s YouTube show, Pinggyeyo (Just An Excuse), where the vocalist was a guest alongside Hoshi.

Joshua grew up in a single-parent household. His mother worked tirelessly seven days a week to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. She held multiple jobs, including running a restaurant and working in traditional medicine. No matter how challenging their circumstances became, she did everything to give her son a happy childhood. Inspired by her dedication and effort, a young Joshua promised to work hard to give back to his mother.

Joshua earned praise for what he did

Fast forward to the present, Joshua, now a successful idol, has fulfilled his childhood promise in a grand way. He bought a house for his mother in Korea, a country she had moved to from the United States. He intended to give his mother a comfortable life in her new home country.

News of Joshua‘s touching gesture came to light not because he boasted about it but because one of the show’s other guests, who knew what he did, asked if Joshua would mind sharing the story. He agreed, humbly sharing his recent “flex” for his mother.

The act earned Joshua praise from another guest on the show, who lauded his filial spirit. His story demonstrates his humility and deep gratitude for his mother’s sacrifices.

In a world where young people often struggle to afford their own homes, Joshua‘s buying a house for his mother stands out. It’s more than just a “flex.” It’s about the gratitude, love, and respect that motivated the singer to do it. Joshua’s story serves as an inspiration to many, reminding us how important it is to appreciate and give back to those who have made sacrifices for us. – K-Pop News Writer

Featured Image: A fan posted a preview of Joshua’s photos from [GOING] Magazine vol. 2. Source: Twitter/archive_hanshua’s Twitter account.