Rapper Ch1tkey, real name Jeong Joon-Hyeok, has not ceased his disturbing behavior even after his controversial fake death hoax. On July 30th, Ch1tkey shocked fans and the public with a staged death announcement, which was soon revealed to be a hoax. Despite widespread criticism, he has shown no remorse, instead continuing to display alarming behavior.

Following his fake death hoax, Ch1tkey continues to display concerning and erratic behavior, raising alarms among fans and the public

The night of the hoax revelation, Ch1tkey posted a cryptic “Hello” on social media, accompanied by a photo of himself holding a saw. In a live broadcast early the next day, he made aggressive statements, threatening violence, saying, “If a bug enters your house, do you kill it or not? You kill it, right? If you stay still, I won’t kill you, but if you come at me, I’ll kill you.”

Ch1tkey’s comments grew even more troubling as he referenced his hoax as a “resurrection” and hinted at more extreme actions. He claimed, “I wasn’t just trying to create hype with the hoax, but I was planning to release an album and resurrect myself.” He shockingly added that he had “fooled the entire nation” and implied he could do so again.

His statements did not stop there. Ch1tkey also made alarming comments about former South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun and North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung and hinted at potential violence, saying, “I’d rather carry a chainsaw around than get caught with a gun.” He also mentioned planning to “eat human flesh,” a statement that has caused significant concern among viewers and authorities.

Ch1tkey defended his actions, claiming that he had not broken any laws and was merely testing the public and media. He said, “This isn’t a waste of public resources. The journalists came to my house without verifying the facts. The world is strange, not me.” He concluded by expressing no intention to reflect on his actions, stating, “I’m not going to reflect. Go to hell.”

The rapper’s troubling statements and behavior have sparked widespread alarm, with many questioning his mental state and the potential consequences of his actions. As of now, authorities are monitoring his behavior.