In the K-pop industry, where an artist’s every move is scrutinized, SEVENTEEN‘s Joshua recently found himself at the center of a storm. A few weeks ago, rumors began circulating about Joshua‘s alleged relationship with model Cho Mi Young. Since then, the artist has maintained a low profile on social media, with only a few messages of support for fellow SEVENTEEN members Seungkwan and S.Coups on Weverse. However, the stark lack of personal updates left fans very worried, especially after Joshua appeared visibly exhausted in public.

On a brighter note, on August 26, Joshua finally broke his silence with a short yet clearly heartfelt post on Weverse. “You’ve worked hard today too, Carats!!” he wrote, a simple yet touching sentiment that, under normal circumstances, would have been seen as just another sweet interaction between an idol and his fans. However, given the recent events, this message held deeper significance.

His post was met with support from the other SEVENTEEN members. Seungkwan responded with a warm, “you worked hard today too, hyung. hongranghae,” while S.Coups expressed his longing with a simple, “I miss you~.” These interactions highlight the close bond and mutual care the SEVENTEEN members share, even in challenging times.

CARATs, the dedicated fans of SEVENTEEN, also didn’t hold back their emotions. Many expressed their relief and happiness to hear from Joshua after his prolonged silence. Tweets came pouring in, with fans sharing their joy and emphasizing how much they missed their beloved idol.

Overwhelming love for Joshua

Unfortunately, not all reactions were positive. A vocal minority criticized Joshua for not addressing the dating rumors and seemingly continuing with his life as usual. Some found it offensive that he appeared content, valuing his privacy, and that his members supported him throughout. Fortunately, the majority of the responses leaned towards support and understanding. Many voiced frustration with the criticism Joshua faced. On various forums, comments overflowed with annoyance towards the haters and overwhelming love for Joshua. The consensus? The criticism he’s received is absurd.

While the K-pop world can be tumultuous, with allegations of all kinds overshadowing the music, it’s heartwarming to see fans and fellow artists come together in support of someone like Joshua. We join the chorus of well-wishers in hoping that he continues to find strength in the love and support of his fans and fellow SEVENTEEN members. – K-Pop News Writer

Featured Image: Around the time he came home to Weverse, a photographer he worked with posted some shots of Joshua. Source: Twitter/@svtcontents.