
ADOR CEO Reportedly Requested Authority to Terminate NewJeans’ Exclusive Contracts with HYBE

The Korean entertainment industry, known for its intricacies and power dynamics, recently witnessed a significant development surrounding CEO Min Hee Jin of ADOR and her request for authority over the termination of NewJeans’ exclusive contracts.

Did Min Hee Jin Try to Override HYBE in Terminating NewJeans’ Exclusive Contracts?

The request sheds light on the complexities of contract negotiations and power struggles within entertainment conglomerates.

Min Hee Jin‘s request to amend her shareholder’s contract with HYBE Labels, ADOR’s parent company, emerged against the backdrop of negotiations from the previous year, notably concerning put back options and the issuance of new shares. These negotiations, which took place in February, laid the groundwork for Min Hee Jin’s subsequent bid for unilateral authority over contract terminations.

Traditionally, decisions regarding the exclusive contracts of major artists are subject to shareholders’ meetings, ensuring transparency and collective decision-making. However, Min Hee Jin’s purported request seeks to circumvent this process, granting her sole discretion over terminating NewJeans members’ contracts without consultation with the board or interference from HYBE.

Min Hee Jin’s Ongoing Battle

The move has raised eyebrows within the industry, as it diverges from established norms and potentially undermines corporate governance principles. With Min Hee Jin, Vice President Shin, and board member Kim constituting ADOR’s current shareholder’s board, HYBE’s substantial ownership stake affords it significant influence over board dynamics and decision-making processes.

HYBE’s rejection of Min Hee Jin’s proposal underscores the tension brewing between the ADOR CEO and the conglomerate. Suspicions of Min Hee Jin’s alleged intentions to orchestrate an “exit” strategy without HYBE’s involvement further exacerbate the rift, prompting the conglomerate to assert its control and safeguard its interests.

The unfolding saga underscores the intricate power dynamics at play in the Korean entertainment industry, where corporate maneuvers and contractual negotiations often intersect with creative endeavors. As the industry continues to evolve, stakeholders grapple with balancing artistic autonomy with corporate oversight, navigating a landscape shaped by ambition, competition, and strategic maneuvering.


ADOR Issues Statement Refuting All HYBE Accusations

In an official statement released by ADOR, a subsidiary of HYBE Labels, CEO Min Hee Jin and its employees have diligently addressed all HYBE accusations. The statement stands as a comprehensive response to the allegations brought forth by HYBE, aiming to clarify misunderstandings and present ADOR’s perspective on the matter.

ADOR’s Full-Length Statement Addresses All HYBE Accusations

On May 2, ADOR released the full-length statement regarding its current controversy. The statement offers a detailed account of each allegation, explaining the label’s side of the story.

The full statement reads as follows:

We would like to provide accurate facts regarding HYBE’s claims.

We deeply regret having to release a statement on a matter other than [news about] our artist again at an important time when NewJeans’s new music is being released.

ADOR has repeatedly requested HYBE to refrain from media activities that spread news about other issues unrelated to news about the artist so that the value of NewJeans’s efforts is not damaged through conversations with the media. HYBE also stated that they would not refute the press conference held by CEO Min Hee Jin. We express deep disappointment and regret that HYBE resumed its refutation through the media in less than a day.

Despite HYBE’s refutation, ADOR has not responded in order to not cause harm to the artist’s activities and to protect their value. However, as unverified issues continue to add to the public’s confusion, ADOR wishes to clarify the accurate facts regarding the current controversy.

1. Regarding the takeover of management rights

HYBE’s claim of a “management rights takeover” is baseless. The evidence they provided was not intended for a takeover but emerged from ongoing conflicts with HYBE based on “imagination.” We reiterate that there was no specific plan or execution related to this.

As the audit began and the malicious battle of public opinion worsened, the [ADOR] vice president who was quite concerned for Min Hee Jin’s safety approached HYBE’s senior management to request a halt to their unilateral battle of public opinion. However, HYBE’s management responded that it was not the time to worry about Min Hee Jin and coerced cooperation with statements such as, “If you get sued and your tie gets cut off for being the person in charge, how are you going to cover the damages you have to pay?” and “Think about your family.” They psychologically pressured the vice president into signing a consent form for information provision by saying, “There will be no issues if you cooperate with us.” The next day, the vice president’s KakaoTalk messages were disclosed to the media. This is a severe invasion of privacy and violation of human rights. Recently, Min Hee Jin’s legal representative confirmed with Yongsan Police Station, in the process of submitting the power of attorney form, that the vice president who wrote it was excluded from being a defendant.

HYBE maliciously edited the content of the conversations to make it appear as if the original intention was to take over management rights and intentionally publicized this extensively in the media. Min Hee Jin’s statement, “This will have to be noted as being casual conversation,” which is completely unrelated to the context, was also selectively edited.

2. Regarding financial compensation

Firstly, Min Hee Jin stated at the press conference that the “incentive” is 2 billion won (approximately $1.45 million), not her salary. This was a reward for achieving 33.5 billion won (approximately $24.3 million) in operating profit two years after ADOR’s establishment.

As stated at the press conference, the issue she raised regarding the incentive calculation was not about the amount itself but about the criteria for determining the incentive and the transparency of the decision-making process. Min Hee Jin believed that HYBE’s criteria for determining incentives was unclear and that there was a lack of clear explanation regarding the process of calculating incentives.

Distorting the facts about the incentive like this and obfuscating the issue by mentioning Min Hee Jin’s salary, incentive, and stock compensation can only be seen as HYBE’s attempt to falsely frame Min Hee Jin as being motivated by financial greed.

3. Regarding the internal whistleblowing and audit process

It is said that CEO Park Ji Won replied to ADOR’s internal whistleblowing email on April 22 at 10 a.m. At the same time, HYBE not only initiated an audit including seizing the vice president’s laptop but also sent a letter demanding Min’s resignation and calling for a general shareholders’ meeting. Just a few hours after, news articles were continuously published, announcing the sudden activation of the audit rights on ADOR’s management. The following day, articles continued as if it were a live broadcast with HYBE’s aggressive media activity. We would like to ask HYBE. What was your response to Min’s internal whistleblowing email?

We would like to ask this also. What kind of listed company discloses to the public the details of an audit that should be conducted discreetly, even editing in unverified information, and reports them as if they were a live broadcast? Moreover, this happened just at the time when a subsidiary label’s artist was preparing for a comeback.

The activation of audit rights has severely hindered the work of Min Hee Jin and ADOR staff members, who were working tirelessly in preparation for NewJeans’s comeback. Although HYBE claimed that they immediately provide new laptops and allow downloading existing work materials to ensure no disruption to work, this is not true. The laptops were taken away without giving the vice presidents time to download their work materials, and the process of seizure was also unreasonable.

4. Regarding HYBE’s promise to debut [NewJeans] as the first girl group

HYBE had publicly declared NewJeans as Min Hee Jin’s girl group and HYBE’s first girl group since the “Plus Global Audition.” This is a fact remembered by the parents of NewJeans members and the executives and employees of ADOR at the time as witnesses. Eventually, with the recruitment of Sakura and Kim Chaewon, LE SSERAFIM became HYBE’s first girl group, and even though it was revealed that HYBE did not keep its promise of “HYBE’s first girl group,” HYBE is not hesitating to make false claims. At the time, Min Hee Jin requested the establishment of ADOR while giving up her shares, and she endured various disputes in order to transfer and debut the NewJeans members in ADOR.

Despite the truth about NewJeans’s debut process, HYBE claimed, “NewJeans’s debut schedule could not help but be delayed regardless of HYBE’s intention due to the division of the company and the transfer of contracts.” It is regrettable that HYBE continues to lie about the truth of what has already happened.

5. Regarding the request not to promote NewJeans’s debut

HYBE claims there were concerns that the fact that Sakura joined SOURCE MUSIC as well as the information on the composition of NewJeans members would be exposed, but this is not only factually incorrect but also logically inconsistent.

There is no explanation whatsoever on what relation there is between revealing that ADOR’s debut team is “composed only of rookies” and Sakura joining SOURCE MUSIC as well as what problems could result in exposing the information on the composition of ADOR’s debut members.

HYBE gave the excuse, “As there was not adequate time for the two groups’ promotions because their debut schedules followed one after the other right away, it was decided that minimum promotional periods would be set,” but in actuality, there were no such agreements. At the time, HYBE wanted to create confusion within the industry that LE SSERAFIM could be Min Hee Jin’s girl group, and CEO Park Ji Won explicitly asked Min Hee Jin through calls and social media [messages] for ADOR to not promote NewJeans. This is confirmed by the social media conversation records between Park Ji Won and Min Hee Jin, yet HYBE continues to change their story while giving irrelevant reasons.

6. Regarding the claim that it was not a slave contract

Min Hee Jin does not deny the necessity of the non-competition clause itself. As the head of a company engaged in the entertainment business, she understands that working in a competing business during and for a certain period after employment can be prohibited. However, business and duration subject to the prohibition of competition must be reasonable, which is not the case with the current shareholders’ agreement.

Contrary to the official statement on April 25, HYBE’s rebuttal statement distributed to all media outlets on April 26 blamed Min Hee Jin for disclosing the shareholders’ agreement and refuted by revealing part of its content.

The irrationality of the current shareholders’ agreement primarily lies in the fact that Min Hee Jin can only be freed from the non-competition clause by no longer holding any shares, and addressing this unfairness is only natural. HYBE claimed in its rebuttal that it sent a response in December last year stating, “There were differences in interpretation in the provisions related to selling stocks in the contract. We will resolve the clause with ambiguous interpretation,” but any legal expert would find the interpretation unambiguous, and Min Hee Jin would continue to bear the non-competition obligation until she disposes of all shares with HYBE’s consent. Although HYBE claimed to have sent a response to resolve the ambiguous clause in December, it was not until mid-March this year that a revised proposal containing this content was received.

7. Regarding follow-up reports on the shareholders’ agreement

Following HYBE’s rebuttal, several follow-up reports confirmed by HYBE through the media have been rife with speculation and distortion regarding the shareholders’ agreement. To correct further misunderstandings, we provide this information.

HYBE has misled by claiming that Min Hee Jin demanded an increase to 30x for the put option, suggesting that the current conflict is motivated by financial reasons. However, the 30x was a reflection of the value of our future boy group production and one of the proposals during the negotiation process to change the shareholders’ agreement with various unreasonable aspects, and it was not a priority item in the negotiations.

Additionally, HYBE promised Min Hee Jin an additional 10 percent stake in ADOR as stock options during the stock purchase agreement and shareholders’ agreement signing in March last year. However, legal advice revealed that stock options could not be granted to major shareholder Min Hee Jin under the Commercial Code. This stock option was not requested by Min Hee Jin but proposed by HYBE. Min Hee Jin could not dismiss the perception that HYBE had deceived her. It was a matter of “trust.”

It is also not true that Min Hee Jin rejected HYBE’s proposal to release the non-competition obligation. HYBE suggested that Min Hee Jin serve a mandatory eight-year tenure and bear a one-year non-competition obligation after resignation, with the put option to be exercised in stages according to that period. However, the controversy over ILLIT arose during the shareholders’ agreement negotiations, leading to the current situation. Min Hee Jin has not communicated any stance on HYBE’s proposal. It is untrue that Min Hee Jin expressed a refusal.

8. Regarding the fact that the shaman is simply a friend

NewJeans’s success and ADOR’s remarkable achievements made in a short period of time are based on rational business decisions. These claims are part of HYBE’s framing to undermine and deny ADOR’s success.

ADOR’s revenue and operating profit stem from preventing unnecessary expenses, efficiently managing the budget, and striving to enhance the brand image. If what they claim is possible, why would Min Hee Jin and ADOR’s staff members work tirelessly day and night?

It is regrettable that HYBE, which should be a leader of K-pop, attempted to frame with personal defamation unrelated to the issue and not even worth responding to, especially announcing it just before Min Hee Jin’s press conference.

9. Regarding the fact that HYBE does not cherish NewJeans

HYBE was the one who suddenly announced the audit to the media on April 22 without waiting for the audit results. Without any concrete evidence, they claimed an impossible “takeover of management rights” and did not even attempt to listen to ADOR’s stance internally, sparking this issue before NewJeans’s comeback.

HYBE claims they suggested not to mention the artist. If they believed attacking Min Hee Jin and ADOR publicly would not affect NewJeans’s brand value, it indicates a lack of understanding of label management and is sophistry to cover up their own misjudgments in management.

We hope the above information helps to resolve further speculation and misunderstandings.

On April 16, Min Hee Jin stated, “HYBE is unprepared, lacks understanding, and has the wrong attitude toward a multi-label system,” pointing out various issues and proceeding with internal whistleblowing. Despite it being a frank statement made with trust in Chairman Bang Si Hyuk’s guideline to “speak up about differences and your opinions when faced with injustice and irrationality in the workplace although it may be difficult to do so,” the situation has come to this current extreme state with accusations of “breach of trust.”

ADOR is currently contributing all of our efforts into supporting NewJeans’s activities and will continue to do so. If HYBE truly wishes to protect the IP as claimed and considers the shareholders’ interests, we hope they will stop spreading the unconvincing malicious propaganda and show a reasonable attitude by supporting ADOR so we can showcase full dedication to creation.

Following HYBE Labels’ internal audit and allegations against Min Hee Jin of attempting to “steal” ADOR and NewJeans, ADOR’s official statement meticulously dissects each claim, offering insights into the company’s operations and clarifying any misconceptions. CEO Min Hee Jin, alongside ADOR’s employees, collectively stand by their actions and refute any assertions of wrongdoing.

Moreover, ADOR’s statement addresses the press conference held by Min Hee Jin on April 25, where initial discussions regarding the conflict between ADOR and HYBE were brought to light. ADOR emphasizes the importance of transparency and open communication, underscoring their commitment to resolving disputes through dialogue and cooperation.

On April 26, HYBE issued a more detailed statement, further elaborating on specific claims made during the ongoing conflict. ADOR’s response to this statement reflects a thorough examination of the issues raised by HYBE, providing a nuanced perspective and offering solutions to reconcile differences between the two entities.

In essence, ADOR’s official statement serves as a testament to their dedication to transparency, integrity, and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner. By addressing each issue and accusation with diligence and clarity, ADOR reaffirms its commitment to upholding ethical standards and fostering a harmonious relationship within the HYBE Labels ecosystem.

For now, HYBE Labels has not yet issued a response to the full-length statement issued by ADOR.


HYBE Investigating Serious Accusations of Chart Manipulation, Concept Theft, and More

Recent reports have stirred up a storm of controversy surrounding BTS and their management company, HYBE, with serious accusations ranging from chart manipulation to association with a cult. These claims have sent shockwaves through online forums, prompting a clamor for clarity and accountability.

HYBE Reportedly Launching Investigations on Serious Accusations

One of the earliest accusations stems from documents and discussions dating back to 2017, implicating an individual referred to as “Mr. A” in extorting money by threatening to expose alleged controversial marketing strategies employed by BTS. Court documents reveal that Mr. A was convicted of exploiting confidential information and sentenced to one year in prison, shedding light on BTS’s tumultuous past dealings.

In a twist of events in 2018, an online post purportedly from Mr. A surfaced, alleging involvement in illegal chart manipulation on behalf of BTS and claiming non-payment for services rendered. This revelation added fuel to the fire, intensifying scrutiny on BTS’s integrity and ethical practices in the music industry.

The ‘Wet’ Concept

Adding to the intrigue, accusations from a former model and editor named Duri have emerged, accusing Bang Si Hyuk, the founder of HYBE, of plagiarizing her “wet” concept and utilizing it without authorization for BTS’s concept photoshoot. This allegation raises questions about artistic integrity and intellectual property rights within the entertainment industry.

Perhaps the most alarming accusation revolves around BTS’s alleged association with a controversial cult known as Dahn World. The organization, purportedly operating under the guise of a meditation community, has been accused of exhibiting cult-like behaviors. Accusers point to symbols associated with BTS’s music as indirect promotion of the cult, sparking concerns about the group’s influence on impressionable fans.

As these accusations continue to circulate online, there is a palpable sense of confusion and skepticism among netizens. Many await a clear and decisive response from HYBE to address these allegations head-on. The company’s statement to, acknowledging their review of the matters, hints at a potential forthcoming explanation, though the gravity of the accusations demands thorough and transparent clarification.

In the midst of this maelstrom, BTS’s reputation hangs in the balance, with their credibility as artists and role models under intense scrutiny. The outcome of HYBE’s investigation and their subsequent actions will undoubtedly shape the narrative surrounding BTS and determine their standing within the global music industry. Until then, the online community remains on edge, eagerly anticipating resolution and closure to this gripping saga.


ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin Holds Emotional Press Conference Addressing HYBE Situation

In the wake of mounting allegations and an impending formal accusation from her company, ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin took a defiant stance, vehemently denying any wrongdoing and expressing her anguish over what she perceives as unfair treatment. Min decided to call for a press conference where she got emotional as she finally spoke about the HYBE situation.

Min Hee Jin Breaks Into Tears During Press Conference Addressing HYBE Situation

At an emergency press conference held at the Korea Conference Center, Min Hee Jin confronted the accusations head-on, highlighting the stark disparity between her perspective and that of HYBE. She lamented the toll the situation had taken on her mental well-being, expressing fears for her own safety and questioning whether her adversaries would be satisfied only with her demise.

Asserting her innocence, Min Hee Jin refuted the notion that financial gain was her motive, citing her existing contractual arrangements and undisclosed benefits from ADOR. She vehemently contested the allegations put forth by HYBE, labeling them as advantageous fabrications designed to discredit her.

Addressing the contentious issue of NewJeans and its alleged resemblance to another project, Min Hee Jin clarified the process of selecting members and underscored her contributions to the group’s formation. She accused HYBE of obstructing the promotional pathways for NewJeans, suggesting ulterior motives behind their actions.

Min Hee Jin adamantly denied any intention to usurp management rights, portraying herself as a victim of betrayal rather than a perpetrator. She denounced HYBE’s actions as an attempt to silence her and stifle her success within the company.

More Revelations

Expressing profound sadness at the prospect of parting ways with NewJeans, Min Hee Jin revealed the emotional toll the ordeal had taken on both herself and the members of the group. Despite her anguish, she maintained that her primary concern was not personal gain but rather a commitment to addressing injustices within the company.

In a tearful revelation, Min Hee Jin disclosed the internal turmoil she grappled with, torn between her loyalty to her “children” at NewJeans and her disillusionment with HYBE. She reiterated her motivations for speaking out, citing a moral imperative to confront wrongdoing rather than passively benefiting from it.

In a final plea, Min Hee Jin implored the public to see beyond the accusations leveled against her, emphasizing her dedication to her work and her genuine concern for the well-being of those under her care. She painted herself as a scapegoat, unfairly targeted for her success and her refusal to remain silent in the face of injustice.

As the controversy continues to unfold, Min Hee Jin’s impassioned defense serves as a reminder of the complexities and power struggles inherent within the entertainment industry, where personal ambition and corporate interests often collide with devastating consequences.


ADOR Responds to HYBE’s Management Audit on CEO Min Hee Jin

HYBE’s decision to initiate a management audit of its subsidiary label ADOR has sent ripples through the K-pop industry, raising questions about the dynamics between the two entities and the future of their partnership. Since then, ADOR has addressed the label’s plans.

HYBE Initiates Management Audit on ADOR

Despite HYBE holding a controlling 80 percent stake in ADOR, recent developments have highlighted tensions between the label and its parent company. Reports surfaced on April 22 indicating that HYBE had detected efforts by ADOR to assert its independence, prompting concerns within the conglomerate. In response, HYBE took swift action, calling for a shareholders’ meeting to address the situation and hold the ADOR management accountable for their actions.

Founded in 2021 by industry veteran Min Hee Jin, ADOR quickly became synonymous with innovation and creativity, serving as the home for rising stars like NewJeans.

Central to HYBE’s concerns was the composition of ADOR’s leadership, with both current directors having joined the company alongside Min Hee Jin from SM Entertainment. In an effort to exert greater influence and oversight, HYBE sought to appoint an additional director from its own ranks, signaling a shift in power dynamics within the label.

Furthermore, reports circulated that HYBE had issued a document calling for Min Hee Jin’s resignation as CEO of ADOR, further complicating the situation and raising speculation about the future leadership of the label.

ADOR Responds to HYBE’s Plans

In response to these developments, ADOR issued a statement addressing the reports and affirming its commitment to transparency and cooperation with HYBE during the audit process.

“It appears that HYBE and BELIFT LAB along with Chairman Bang Si Hyuk think that simply driving CEO Min Hee Jin out of the company will end this issue without providing proper apologies or measures. However, ADOR will use all possible means and methods to protect the cultural achievements that NewJeans has worked for and to prevent further infringement due to copying. We want to make it clear that we cannot tolerate copying and various unfair actions continuing against ADOR and NewJeans,” it read.

The outcome of this audit and the subsequent actions taken by both parties will undoubtedly shape the future trajectory of ADOR and its relationship with HYBE, underscoring the complexities of navigating the competitive landscape of the K-pop industry.


KTH1 Is Coming: BTS’ V to Work With Min Hee Jin for Solo Album

Rejoice, ARMYs! Member V of K-pop legend BTS is confirmed to be working on his debut solo album. 

BIGHIT Music confirmed to Korean media on Tuesday, August 2, that V’s upcoming solo album is in collaboration with Min Hee Jin, the creative director behind rising rookie group NewJeans. 

Min will reportedly be leading the overall production of the album including the music, choreography, design, and promotion. 

As of writing, the agency has yet to release final details about V’s album title and release date. 


Soloist V

However, the idol couldn’t help but give some teasers on his upcoming solo release, adding that he’s “nervous but happy” about it. 

“It’s an album that captures my tastes. There will be abundant spectacles,” he said. 

V also promised ARMYs that the upcoming album will “see a new side of solo artist V that is different from BTS’ V.” 


For her part, Min also agreed that they made an “interesting production.”

She shared that while she initially hesitated to accept the offer of working with V due to schedule conflicts, she got really interested with the BTS member’s “attitude and passion” and “voice tone.” 


“We prepared music that reflects V’s preferences,.” she added. “Rather than a familiar style, we placed focus on music that we want to make and music that we can pull off well.” 

Min is the CEO of ADOR, the HYBE subsidiary label that houses NewJeans. She also previously worked with SM Entertainment artists such as SHINee, f(x), EXO, and Red Velvet. 

Busy year for BTS

Since BTS announced in June 2022 that they’ll be taking a break, the members have been busy working on solo releases, with being the last member to do so. 

Member j-hope released the Jack In The Box album, RM with Indigo, Suga with D-Day, and Jimin with Face. 

Meanwhile, Jin released his debut solo single The Astronaut” and Jungkook with “Seven.”

Currently, Jin and j-hope are serving in the military. 

BTS made their debut in June 2013 with the single 2 COOL 4 SKOOL.” The septet has since established world records and even entered the Guinness World Records Hall of Fame.

The group celebrated their 10th debut anniversary with the release of the memoir Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS” and digital single “Take Two.”

Featured image: BTS V posing for FESTA 2022 photos. Credit: Facebook/BTS

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