In K-pop, Hueningkai of TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT) stands out. Not just for his talent, but also for his perseverance, dedication, and the bond he shares with the other members. Sitting down with Weverse Magazine, he opened up about all that and more.
@weverseofficial [위버스 매거진] 휴닝카이 Quotes | 투모로우바이투게더 위버스 매거진에서 투모로우바이투게더의 인터뷰를 확인하세요! 🔎 휴닝카이 “멤버들 덕분에 저에게도 야망이 생겼어요” - [Weverse Magazine] HUENINGKAI Quotes | TOMORROW X TOGETHER Check out TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s interviews on Weverse Magazine! 🔎 HUENINGKAI: “It’s thanks to the other members that I’m becoming more driven myself” – [Weverse Magazine] HUENINGKAI Quotes | TOMORROW X TOGETHER Weverse MagazineでTOMORROW X TOGETHERのインタビューをチェック! 🔎 HUENINGKAI「メンバーたちのおかげで僕にも野心が芽生えました」 #TXT #투모로우바이투게더 #휴닝카이 #HUENINGKAI #컴백인터뷰 #위버스 #Weverse #위버스매거진 #Weverse_Magazine
The road to perfection
Hueningkai‘s recent dance challenges, especially with Jam Republic, showcase his improvement. He worked to refine his technique because he wanted to keep up with Yeonjun. His efforts earned him accolades from his instructors. But the road to perfection was arduous. His pursuit of excellence led him to do the Smoke Challenge not just once—but twice!
“I was eager to show off my dance ability, that’s why I said I wanted to do it. I was actually worried because of how challenging that choreography is, so I put in quite a lot of practice. I felt sorry for the performance directing team because I kept saying, ‘No, again, again, again.’ We shot it 20, 25 times, but when I got back home and watched the video, I still wasn’t satisfied with it. So I said to them, ‘I’m really sorry, but can we shoot it tomorrow one more time?’ I did it again and again the next day and we finally ended up with a good take that we could upload.”
He’s all about hard work. “I think, more than anything else, the more I work at my dancing, the better it gets. I’d have to say dance is the easiest thing to get into, in a way. I think anyone can be good at dancing if they just have perseverance. Dancing isn’t just about the dancing itself—I feel like your own personal aura and your facial expressions are really important, too. Even the five members of our group all have their own unique vibe, and we’re all good at doing different facial expressions. When you dance, it’s important to understand what the music’s all about and to take what you’re capable of up a notch and express yourself that way.”

Hueningkai on Soobin’s struggles
The TXT members’ bond, forged over time, is evident in their concerts, where they lift each other up. “The five of us are so different that when we were trainees, we did team building exercises. But we’re completely used to each other now. We naturally got to know each other after living together for so long, and now we’re just like family. I think the quality of our teamwork really shows during concerts. If one of us has to sit out because they’re not feeling well, the rest of us are able to fill in for them. It’s weird, but suddenly we become really good at communicating in situations like that. Things just happen instantly when emergencies come up.”
Discussing the challenges each member faces, Hueningkai shares his thoughts on Soobin‘s struggles with spontaneity. “We have similar personalities, so I know how he feels. There’s times when I find performing hard too, and at times big crowds can make me scared. My MBTI tests show I’m an ‘I,’ and I like being at home. Soobin–hyung always says he’s sorry because he worries he’s not enjoying himself properly.”
Hueningkai tries his best to support their leader onstage. “We put our arms around each other and jump around and have fun,” he says. “I’m not very good at empathizing or talking with people. Whenever I’m talking with someone, my first thoughts are about the best way to go about doing things and how to solve things. I think it’s best that I quietly help them out by looking out for them and thinking about how I can be doing whatever I can for them.”

His dedication, growth, and more
He wasn’t always goal-oriented. He says his fellow members made him more driven. “I’m actually not much of a go-getter. I’m more about wanting things to go smoothly. I don’t like to overthink things. But it’s important in this field to be ambitious. You have to be driven if you’re going to make it to the top. I think it’s thanks to the determination of the others that I’m progressively becoming more driven myself. I actually have clearer goals now than I did a year ago,” he shares.
However, the journey isn’t devoid of doubts. When asked if they’ll ever be content, Hueningkai says that might never happen. But he believes in continuous effort. “But I think it’s only right that we keep trying our best. I’ve changed a lot during this whole time. I guess what influenced me a lot was that I want to challenge the kind of image that boy groups have. Some people say boy groups aren’t popular with the wider public, but I wanted to let the world know who we are and prove ourselves,” he asserts.
Hueningkai‘s journey with TOMORROW X TOGETHER is a testament to his dedication, growth, and the bond he shares with his members. “I feel like I can keep going for a long time thanks to the other members. And I feel really, really proud to be a member of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. I don’t think I could’ve done it if I weren’t part of this group. I absolutely love our songs and our dances. I’m happy to be a part of the group. I want to be with them. Because I love the five of us.” – K-Pop News Writer
Featured Image: Hueningkai has grown by leaps and bounds. Source: X/@HNKMEDIA.