Red Velvet has done it again. The girl group has entranced netizens with the ethereal ‘Cosmic’ MV teaser and images!

‘Cosmic’ MV Teaser and Images Mesmerize Netizens and RED VELVET Fans

Red Velvet has once again captured the public’s attention with the release of their latest teaser for the music video of “Cosmic,” the lead track from their eagerly anticipated mini-album. Released just yesterday, the teaser has quickly gained traction, becoming a hot topic among their fans and Korean netizens on various community sites.

The visually stunning teaser also sets an enchanting yet unsettling scene, reminiscent of the picturesque atmosphere seen in the movie “Midsommar.” Red Velvet, known for their ability to blend fairytale elements with dark and eerie themes, has once again created a unique and captivating aesthetic. The creative approach, intertwining beauty with horror, has drawn widespread intrigue and acclaim.

Fans and netizens alike have taken to social media and online forums to share their excitement and thoughts on the teaser. The group’s innovative take on a well-known narrative has not only stirred the curiosity of their existing fanbase but also attracted new followers. Many are now eagerly anticipating the full release of “Cosmic,” excited to see how the complete music video and album will also expand on the teaser’s themes and visuals.

Red Velvet’s ability to continually reinvent themselves while maintaining their signature style is also evident in this latest teaser. By blending whimsical and sinister elements, they have created a teaser that is both mesmerizing and haunting, leaving fans eager for more. This anticipation and excitement surrounding “Cosmic” and the mini-album also underline the group’s enduring popularity and their knack for pushing creative boundaries in the K-Pop industry.

Red Velvet‘s next EP ‘Cosmic’ and the title track of the same name will be released on June 24, 2024.