Lee Jong Suk has found a new home! On Thursday, January 4, Ace Factory announced that renowned actor Jong Suk
The live-action adaptation of the BL (Boys’ Love) webtoon Heesu in Class 2 is shaping up to be an exciting
The star-studded cast of the hit South Korean drama Death’s Game are gearing up for a fierce battle in the
Actor Hwang In Yeop is embarking on an exciting new chapter in his career as he officially signs with KN
The tragic news of Lee Sun Kyun’s reported suicide on December 27 has sent shockwaves throughout the entertainment industry and
In a shocking development that has left the entertainment world in mourning, South Korean actor Lee Sun Kyun was found
SBS has officially addressed rumors surrounding Song Kang’s attendance at the upcoming 2023 SBS Drama Awards, providing clarification and insights
During a press conference for the upcoming Netflix series “Gyeongseong Creature,” actress Han So Hee shared a behind-the-scenes story that
Rejoice, K-drama fans! We’ll finally see actors Park Shin Hye and Park Hyung Sik back together on one screen through
WEi’s Yohan is poised for a potential comeback on the small screen as the protagonist in the upcoming drama When